Saturday, May 30, 2009

Whenever I ran out of dinner ideas...

I consulted Mr Fiance. This time around, his suggestions were ayam percik or ayam masak merah. I asked him if ayam percik would pair nicely with nasi beriani. He said yes. Betul ke yang?

Disebabkan taat setia & mendengar kata..


Nasi beriani with ayam percik & acar mentah
Verdict : Memang masukkk... ;D

Today's report:
I managed to finish scoring ONE rat video tape (huge achievement!!!) with 20 clips of 15 minutes recordings - there are 7 others (bleurghhhh). Oh yes, I went home earlier than usual, and did spring cleaning of my room (and the rest of the house too) - in preparation for the arrival of my loved ones. ;D As for now, everybody is invited to run a WHITE glove over the closet top. Hehehehe..


Farina said...

I don't want to run a white glove... I like to use UV light instead.. Boleh kah, macam CSI gitu?

Ayu said...

Farina, oh no problem. You'll still find it spotless!! Hahaha.. ;p