Thursday, April 30, 2009

What I did on Queen's Day

I went to Utrecht Centraal at noon in search for "free markets" at Neude area. To my disappointment, there were none in view. The same situation as what I faced yesterday evening, many people walking around, loud music, but not even 1 stall selling pre-loved items was seen. Huh!! Tipah tertipu lagiiiiii!!!!!

I called Gaya and asked her whether the park near her house, Juliana Park, is hosting a "free market" again this year. She said yes, and insisted that I go there to take a look. So, off we (Indah & I) went! And we were delighted to see so many people around, selling used items like clothes (esp. baby clothes), toys, CDs, books, plates & mugs, etc.

However, after walking and observing closely the things they were trying to sell, we came to the conclusion that these people just brought everything they don't want anymore, and tried to sell them. Although the price can be really cheap, most stuffs looked as if they belong in a rubbish bin.

Having said that, I actually bought a few things: IKEA heart shaped cushion with a matching mini cushion (1 euro) and 2 LEGO towers (5 euro) for my little brother. Hehehe.. I hope he'll be happy, playing with them once he's here in June!! ; )

Dinner Tonite

Koey teow goreng yang tak guna koey teow. Hahahaha.. Mana nak cari koey teow kat sini, yang paling hampir adalah rice sticks untuk buat pad thai. Rice sticks ni tidaklah selebar koey teow, tapi boleh la, asalkan tekstur dan rasanya seakan2 koey teow. Rendam dalam air mendidih selama 10 minit, pastu buat la seperti koey teow yang dibeli di pasaraya Chin Teik Hin. Heheheh..


Setelah post tadi ditaip dengan perasaan gumbira dan aura positif, post yang ni pulak ditaip dengan perasaan sedikit negatif. I went to the centraal tadi, konon2 nak tengok free markets sempena Queen's Day yang sepatutnya bermula pukul 6 ptg tadi, tapi hampa.. Satu stall pun takdak. Manusia memang ramai, tapi takde pun stalls. Stalls yang jual alcohol ada la.. Pakcik yang menyanyi lagu kuat2 pun ada. Manusia2 berpakaian orange di sana sini. Tapi mana free market? Mana? Mana? At last lepak2 minum cappucino dan sedikit ter-shopping. Tapi barang2 ni memang keperluan tau.. Macamanapun, sedikit terhampa sebab hajat tak kesampaian. At last, pengurangan baki akaun pulak yang terjadi. Aduss...

Ok la, jom la tengok ape harta karun yang dicekau tadi..

Alasan membeli: Perlu sebab kulit kepala sekarang sgt kering dan dandruff banyak sgt - penyebabnya adalah kekeringan udara di sini & setiap kali shampoo rambut, i bilas dengan air panas. Ye la, sini sejuk. Memang la kena mandi dengan air panas.. Walaupun ada yang kasi tips bila ber-shampoo, guna la air sejuk atas kepala. Adoila... Tak sanggup... Cuba la buat kalau tahan daulat. Uuuuu... Seksa you...

Alasan membeli: Mango whip body lotion sudah habis... Kali ini i mencari sesuatu yang lebih baik. Katanya body butter ni effectnya kekal 24 jam (kalau dalam masa 24 jam tu anda tak mandi langsung lah kot). Melembapkan kulit adalah sangat penting - kulit akan nampak bersisik kalau lepas mandi tak pakai moisturiser. Kalau basuh tangan kerap2 dan lupa pakai moisturiser pun, terimalah habuan kulit tangan kering & mengelupas.

Alasan membeli: Sangat perlu, sebab summer dah dekat, i nak pakai sandal, tapi tumit dan kulit sekitar jari2 kaki kekeringan. User testimonials di website L'occitane mengatakan krim ini sangat mujarab. I cuba dulu tau.. Nantikan reviewnya. Hehehe..

Oops, lupa. Nak tayang jugak lah free samples from L'Occitane. The sales assistant kasi Verbena body cream, pastu dia tanya, "do you want something else?" Apalagi, mintak la "something to reduce my eye bags & dark circles". Sekali dia hulur 4 paket shea butter eye balm. Tapi 2 paket i bagi kat Che Dah, upah meneman. Boleh gitu? Hehehe..

Ok lah, bila tengok barang2 ni rasa happy pulak. Persetankan free markets tu semua. Jomlah pergi mandi & sapu segala butter & krim ni. Hehe..

Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My 1st Post

Today is the eve of Queen's Day, or Koninginnedag as the Dutch say it. Tomorrow, people will come from all over the place and gather at the main cities - Amsterdam, The Hauge & Rotterdam, to celebrate Queen's Day. Most of them will wear orange - orange shirts, pants, hats, orange everything!! The best part is, on Queen's Day, everyone is allowed to sell things in the street - the reason it is called "free market". And now I'm liking this, how I wish to get rid of all my ill-fitting jackets!!

As for tonight, I am going to stay inside and enjoy my night quietly. Well, I will probably eat too much, talk too much, OR watch too much of reality shows - not really QUIET in a true sense. Hehe..

Hope everyone will enjoy the Koninginnedag, and have a great time browsing the free markets!!! ;D

p/s: Korang baca kenkonon korang pun penduduk Belanda yang akan bercuti & meronggeng gak la esok. Hehehe..