Thursday, December 29, 2011


Sushi. I don't know why, but it seems like I'd crave for sushi at least once a week. DH doesn't like sushi, but I love it very, very much! Sushi with Japanese soy sauce & wasabi, perfecto! :) I usually buy some snack pack from Morrisons.
Nasi ayam. Made this for dinner yesterday. DH has been asking for nasi ayam many, many times. Cuma bini dia malas. I agree, nasi ayam for a crowd is the most brilliant, easy to prepare dish. Tapi untuk 2 orang makan, I find it too renyah. Anyhow, the nasi ayam was good & DH was very happy :) 

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Boxing Day at Oxford Street

  • Jumpa Malaysian berselisih bahu selang 2 minit. Kemain no.. Yang datang melancong satu family dengan anak-anak kecik dalam stroller, yang confirm pelajar sarjana, yang datang melawat adik belajar, macam-macam la (believe me, I interviewed a few)
  • Public transportation macam hantuuu. Dalam banyak-banyak hari, hari ini lah yang dia nak buat perangai. Pergi ok, balik macam nak menangis. Nasib baik sampai rumah, alhamdulillah..
  • Tahun depan takmau pi lagi. Sebenarnya kitorang memang taknak pergi, tapi tiba-tiba adik ipar suruh carikan kasut idaman, tu yang pergi jugak tu. Tapi bagus jugak kan, biar merasa sekali ;p

Sunday, December 25, 2011


Dear husband mengidam biryani Lahore. ;p Makanya lepas Zohor terus jalan kaki ke Tufnell Park tube station untuk ke Edgware Road. Perjalanan bukan mudah sebab kena tukar tube di King's Cross station, tapi kalau dah terasa2 di tekak tu nak buat macamana kan? Jom!! : )

Sukanyaa dah sampai Lahore
Nak jugak ambik gambar. Tapi lepas snap, tiap2 kali mesti tanya "nampak gemuk tak?" Haih la, kalau dah gemuk tu takkan lah nampak kurus pulak dalam gambar ye tak? ;p
Lamb tikka biryani & chicken tikka biryani sampai. Bau pun dah menggoda hidung..
Tambah lagi satu vegetable dish, Bombay aloo - sejenis kari kentang yang mild, creamy, dan sedikit manis
Lepas tu naan pulak sampai. Naan dia sedap sangatt.. : )
Lepas makan singgah Marks & Spencer beli keperluan dapur, lepas tu zass nak balik. Asar masuk 1.30pm,  Maghrib pulak 3.55pm. Masjid susah jumpa. Baik balik rumah terus..
Disebabkan hari ini ramai umat dah balik kampung nak ber-Christmas, maka tube adalah sangat lengang. Mohle kita buat peghak ambik2 gambar sesama sendiri. Gambar bini tak jadi tempek sebab GEMUK sangat

Sekian diari 24 Disember 2011 : )

Friday, December 23, 2011

A day at..

New Bond Street! : )

This is the place to go to satisfy the "needs"
Went in Chanel - it's quite a small store with inadequate number of staff
We then proceeded to Louis Vuitton. This store in New Bond Street is another flagship store. According to the sales associate, it's the 2nd largest LV store in Europe (I guess the largest is the one in Champs-Elysees, Paris).

I was looking for a vernis wallet in rouge fauviste - a sarah or a zippy. I was shown a pomme zippy and a givre sarah, and those two were the only vernis wallets they have. The sales associate said that they've ran out of many items, and it's not likely that other stores will have those items. Gah. Just not my luck I guess. 

But then.. I was brought to another section, and met another SA who showed me a few multicolor insolite wallets - black multicolor with grenade (hot pink) lining, white multicolor with litchi (baby pink) lining and white multicolor with fique (blood red) lining. Guess which one did I end up with?

Waiting for my purchase to be heat-stamped. I was texting dear SIL who wants a mini pochette illustre, telling her they don't have it here too. That sucks, I know.. 
With the sales associate who entertained us - Ansyn, from MALAYSIA. Weee!! It was very nice to meet him. He has a law degree & MBA, is fluent in 3 languages and works at Louis Vuitton : )
Happy me :  )
DH took this picture, only to find that Maria Tunku Sabri was there with her family (I guess). In this pic  you can only see her hand and half of her body ;p She's very friendly, waved at us from across the street. Of course we waved back frantically! ;p 
Showing the store size. It is hugee
And soo..

Wanna see my purchase? Kang tak tunjuk tak patut sangat. Ini bukan nak menunjuk, tapi nak share kasi puas2 hati ok.. : )

My sweet, pwetty baby : ) White multicolor insolite with fique lining
The interior. Insolite is a large wallet, no doubt. But if you're the person who stuffs  a wallet full, then this is the one for you. I am not that kind of person, but I guess this wallet is just destined to be mine. Alhamdulillah, syukur dapat merasa. 
I chose to heat-stamp my name instead of my initials. But that would differ if I were to order a mon monogram. Then I'll put my intials on the bag. ;p
With her older (albeit a lot smaller) sister. They complement each other beautifully! The fique lining and vernis pomme are about the same tone of red, no? 

That's all folks. Tah tahun bila lah ada rezeki nak ke sana lagi ye? : )

p/s: why oh why my tudung terkelepet2 dalam semua gambar di atas. Huwaaaa

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Today's story

Pergi China Town cari asam jawa. Konon.

Balik dengan 2 plastik berat bahan makanan entah apa-apa. Hehe..
Hasil pembelian bahan mentah di China town - mi goreng dengan fish balls, fish cake, kucai & taugeh
DH cakap "sedapnya mi goreng eby nih, kenapa tak boleh makan 18 kali?" Aduhai suamiku. Padahal tak sedap mana pun. Bila teringat soalan dia ni, boleh tersenyum sorang2. : )

Monday, December 19, 2011

Buah tangan

Mak & ayah pulang dari menunaikan ibadah haji lebih kurang sebulan yang lalu. Jumaat lepas, kami terima buah tangan dari tanah suci Mekah & Madinah. Terima kasih mak & ayah! : )

Kotak kertas Double A ;p

Ada buah Adam & Hawa (yang 2 biji tu), dodol kurma, tasbih, kurma ajwa dan air zam-zam
Jubah salmon pink untuk Ayu
Jubah beige untuk Ejad
Ejad yang happy "yeayy Ejad boleh pakai tido". Oit orang nak suruh pakai pi mesjid la sayang

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Self reward

Setahun sekali, hadiahkan diri sendiri sebab telah menjadi penjawat awam yang berusaha gigih. ;p Terima kasih di atas bonus yang diberi, nampak cantik dalam slip gaji (walhal duitnya belum pun masuk lagi). Tak mahu rasa bersalah sebab tak menyimpan, sebab kadang-kala kita perlu menabur, kalau menyimpann tak sudah2, mana dia nikmat dunia? (soalan mintak penampau)

Boxing day nanti, wajiblah duduk dalam rumah, selimut tebal2 sambil tengok tv. : )

Friday, December 16, 2011

Something easy, quick & delish

Vietnamese beef noodle salad

1. Pan grill sekeping daging lembu yang baik kualitinya - very hot pan, 2-3 mins each side. Put aside 5-10 min, kemudian hiris nipis.
2. Rendam bihun dgn air paip sampai lembut. Buangkan air rendaman tu, kemudian gantikan dengan air mendidih pulak. Agak2 dah elok lembut toskan.
3. Hiris panjang2 (julienne?) carrot & timun. Hiris nipis bawang besar kuning & cili padi. Basuh taugeh. Petik daun pudina & sweet basil (daun selasih) sehelai-sehelai.
4. Grill kacang tanah kemudian cincang kasar.
5. Satukan sos ikan, jus lemon/limau nipis, gula & sos cili Thai. Rasalah sendiri kasi balance segala2.
6. Posingkan bahan2 dalam pinggan sebijik macam gambar kat atas, kemudian tuangkan campuran sos tadi.
7. Makannnn.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

A well done gift

.. for dearest husband.

I promised I'll get something for him if he managed to find a job, just to boost his semangat yakin boleh. Alhamdulillah, 4 days ago we received the good news. My husband will no longer be a house husband. ;p Although the job description doesn't match his qualification, we could not care less. It's so hard to land a decent job these days, especially here in the middle of economic recession, European crisis and what not. Praise to Allah S.W.T., alhamdulillah..

Anyway, back to the story. I set the gift value limit to100 quid and guess what? DH managed to find something carrying that exact value. Very, very impressive. Well done! ;p

This picture was shot & styled by DH himself. Pengsan tengok hasil macamni okeh ;p
To tell the truth, DH has not been really happy since the day we arrived. He's talking about returning back to Malaysia almost everyday, and I very much understand his feeling, having had to quit his job & accompany the wife in a foreign land (and taking care of the house while the wife goes to school), I could almost feel his agony.

So my dear husband, please stay after I bribed you with the fab shoes. Promise? ;D

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

I've got it!

I love collecting cook books, one from every country is my aim. However, when my family & I visited United Kingdom during summer 2009, I didn't manage to score one. Who knows that I would return to the land again? Only Allah S.W.T., the knower of all. Alhamdulillah..  : )

Monday, December 12, 2011

Salmon, asparagus & garlic

Bought a salmon fillet, a bunch of asparagus and..
3 bulbs of French garlic at the Borough market
Was low on creativity, so this was the result of their marriage

Nak kreatif macam mana lagi, kalau bahan-bahan mentah dalam peti sejuk dah tinggal 2-3 kerat. To tell you the truth, kalau ada cili padi, tomato & lemon, dah tentu awal2 lagi cek buat air asam kasi geng, baru kick! Dasar lidah Melayu. ;p

Sunday, December 11, 2011

Let's go shopping!

Nope, not that kind of shopping. Let's go shopping for food! :D

Nearest tube station: London Bridge (Northern line)

Went to the market on Friday to grab some lunch before visiting King's College laboratory animal facility, where my friend, Noelia works as a veterinarian. Love the place so much that I dragged my husband there on the very next day.

Let's see what's there at Borough Market!

Bread, bread, bread
Argentinian empanadas, Noelia was raving about it (she is Argentinian)
Soup, anyone?
Fell in love with the colours
Noelia with her chunky vegetable soup. This girl loves her soup alright. Soup and salad for lunch everyday
Soup? Not my lunch. This prawn wrap is more my thing. Que was long, but I made it! : ) 
On Saturday, went again with DH & decided to try fresh oysters. DH was not up for it so I braved myself for it. Yuck, don't like it! ;p
Muffins, cookies, cakes & pastries anyone? DH has got his feet literally glued in front of this booth
He was seduced by the double choc and cherry muffin & an oatmeal cookies. See, I'm not the one with sweet tooth ;p
All the others look super nice too!
One happy shopper :D
We were sold by the display. Had to buy a baguette & a focaccia 
Chicken curry, Thai green curry & seafood paella
Vegetarian omelette, 3 quid per slice
DH likes it very much
Maybe I could replicate this at home easily. There're bell pepper, baby spinach and tomato in it 
Fresh seafood
We ended up buying a salmon fillet & a sea bass here
Potted herbs
Dried fruit as Xmas tree ornament

They look amazing hanging on a tree, don't you think?
This guy sells amazing selection of mushroom
See? DH was contemplating whether he should buy that enoki (he loves enoki), but we left without ;p

I love the place so much, but I've learnt that it's not wallet friendly, especially when I have the urge to buy everything I see! ;p

If you're in London, then this place definitely should be on your must visit list.