Friday, November 30, 2012

Too early for this?

At 20 wk 5 d, something arrived for you, dear baby. Your dad bought you a stroller already! Why the rush? Well, that's kinda tricky to explain. He's always excited about buying thing when he have the budget for it. Secondly, we're after a limited edition item in the whole stroller set and were worried we'd miss the item if we didn't act fast.

Daddy waited the whole day for this to be delivered but guess what? It arrived when he's out having his driving lesson :P
Trying to figure out how to attach the front wheels
All wheels on the ground, daddy looks ecstatic for some reason :P
With the seat attached front facing. One plus point, the seat and backrest can be extended when you grow, baby!
Sun canopy in place. It's in limited edition dark purple. The colour doesn't picture well here as the photo was taken under orange-y, dim lighting
And that's the baby coccoon for you lil baby :)
Finally, we had to try the rain cover on :P

We hope you'll love the stroller, baby! Now we can't wait to see you, hold you in our arms. You must see all the things daddy bought for you. He loves you very, very much already.. :)

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Maaf kalau lama tak melawat rumah kawan2. Sejak akhir2 ni kurang kesempatan nak melawat singgah2. InsyaAllah lepas ni kalau ada kelapangan kita sampai :)

Saja nak update beberapa hal berkaitan pregnancy, apa lagi kan?

20 wks (5 months) - Jumaat lepas
Perut aja besar tapi baby kecik. Sedih tau. Fibroids yang besar2 buat perut besar & buatkan baby tertolak ke kiri uterus. Mungkin jugak mereka2 ni berebut khasiat sampaikan baby kecik dari average baby. Lagipun mak dia memang tak gain weight langsung sepanjang pregnancy. Turun 3kg dari pre-pregnancy weight & tak naik2 sampai harini. Tapi tidaklah alarming sangat, sebab mak dia overweight pun. In fact kalau ikut BMI, obese! Masa 1st trimester memang kena severe food aversion. Masuk 2nd trimester dah ok dah boleh makan segala cuma tak menggila makan macam dulu.

Menurut laporan anomaly scan semalam (on 20 wks 4 d),

Estimated fetal weight        281 g
Biparietal diameter              41 mm (below the normal range)
Head circumference          166 mm (low normal)
Abdominal circumference  138 mm (low normal)
Femur length                       30 mm (low normal)

Harap2 baby cuma kecik aja lah, boleh catch up tumbesaran lepas ni. Risau sangat kalau perkembangan otak dia terganggu ke apa ke kan. Setakat ni hanya boleh doa banyak2 moga2 Allah pelihara baby.

Good news is, amniotic fluid, brain hemispheres, ventricles mid brain & posterior fossa, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys and bladder all appear normal. No spina bifida or kyphoscoliosis, skin oedema or cystic hygroma.

Cuma sebab fibroids mengganggu view, sonographer suruh datang lagi 2 minggu untuk follow up scan. Harap sangat kalini boleh tengok struktur jantung, muka, cord & find out the gender. Amiiiiin..

Mommy dalam misi nak makan banyak mulai skarang. Berusahalahhh :D

Monday, November 12, 2012

My Lush experience

Was browsing around Selfridges-Bond Street-New Bond Street yesterday when I sniffed a pleasant mixture of scent from a store. The smell was actually coming from a LUSH store, with its door wide open.

I have read about Lush products, but never came across a store. I actually thought Lush originated from the US, but hey, I was wrong. It was born in the UK.

So I went in, specifically aiming to get a birthday present for a dear friend.

Oh my. It's exactly like a candy store. Dear husband looked so lost in there while I was almost dancing around smelling things - bubble bars, shower gel, bath ballistic, etc.

I went home with a gift for a dear friend - a box containing bath goodies which smells deliciously of rose. The smell is so intoxicating, I can't stop sniffing the box.

Of course I had to buy something for me to try. Was being a good girl so I grab only ONE bubble bar for myself, just for the sake of trying. It's the Christmas Eve bubble bar smelling of jasmine & ylang ylang. I don't  usually fancy jasmine but the combination is marvelous.

Dear husband works all day today (he's still not home now), so since I have plenty of time on my hands, I decided to run a bath - in the cold, gray afternoon.

The water turned green, soft, with a soothing smell of jasmine + ylang ylang. It's just that I was hoping for more bubbles. Moreee. Bubble issue aside, I really enjoyed my bath today :) Even the bathroom smells nice all day.

Now. Maybe that Rosie gift box won't be a birthday gift anymore :P