Monday, May 11, 2009

Sebut Betul-betul...

In a previous post, i wrote about attending a potluck session in Nirmala's place. There, we met a few international friends - a lady from South Africa, another lady from France (Laura), and many others. By the way, it's our conversation with Laura that I would like to share here. Since she's French, we took full advantage of the opportunity. By asking her questions. Hehe..

Che Dah: "How do you pronounce L'Occitane?"
Laura: "Sorry??"
(Hahaha.. So we know we are pronouncing it wrongly)
Che Dah: "How to pronounce L'Occitane? The store, L'Occitane??"
Laura: "Ohhhhhh.... It's Lox-C-Tan"
Me: "Oh, that's how I've been pronouncing it, until a lady told me it's Lock-Key-Tonne"
(screw you lady X, you are not French)
Nirmala: "Does it carry a meaning, in French?"
Laura: "Oh, it's a language, or a dialect in a part of France. Yeah."
Nirmala: "Ohhh.... Okay. Then, tell me, how are we supposed to pronounce Carrefour? Since it's the most mispronounced brand in Malaysia?"
Laura: "Sorry, I didn't get you. Again?"
Nirmala: "Oh.. This large supermarket chain... Is it Kah-Fu?"
Laura: "Okay, okay, i get what you mean. It's Karrghefurgh"

All of us: Gelak bagai nak mati. Hahahahhahahahahhah... ;D

Takde sape pon yang sebut betul kat Malaysia. "Carry-Four", "Care-For", "Kah-Fu"- all are incorrect. My thinking - pronounce it as you want. The mat sallehs always pronounce orang utan as "reng-u-ten", selambe je. Nasib ko lah. Tak kuasa i.. Hehehehe..


animed said...

Salam ayu..sori lambat reply. Boleh aja..silakan. Anim pun nak add ayu dlm blog list anim..boleh kan? Hehehe..teringat masa pi france dulu. Baru tau sebut Louis Vutton yg betul. Tp tak kuasa la ;-)

Ayu said...

Salam Anim.. Boleh saja, silakan.. ;> "Lu-ee Vuit-ton" kan? Mcm2 la kes sebut menyebut ni kan. Hehehe..