Wednesday, May 13, 2009

The Best of Spring

Spring in the Netherlands is not as nice and dreamy as one may imagine it to be, as the weather here is very, very unpredictable - sudden fall of temperature, rain, gloomy, cloudy day. It was far from the experience I had in Prague - sunny, warm and nice!! ; ) However, I personally think that the best part of spring in the Netherlands is Keukenhof - the largest flower garden in the country. This year, Keukenhof can be visited from March 19 - May 21. Luckily, I had the chance to visit Keukenhof last month when the temperature was just nice - not too cold & slightly sunny. Anyway, these are the photos that I like, and wish to share them with everyone. Enjoy!! ;D

Colorful tulips

Close up of a red & white ikat celup tulip

Crown imperial lily


A beautiful swan surrounded by super excited tourists ;p

More tulips

This is my favorite - laced edged tulip ; )

My luck - seeing a white peacock spreading its tail (but later refused to cooperate for a nice pic)

With a bed of bluish-purple and magenta hyacinths


Farina said...

Amboi cantiknya bunga-bungaan tuh.. Orang yang pakai baju hitam bunga2 tuh pun lawa jugak.. hehe..

Ayu said...

Uhuk uhuk!!! Terbatuk plak. Hehe.. Thanx!! ;D

NadiahKhair said...

cantiknye tulips die ayuuuuu. teringt kaklong mase kat michigan dulu ade tempat nama holand village. nilah die..sebijik. siap ade pakistan (mcm la aku bukan pakistan :D)ambik gambar berguling2 dlm tulips tuh. sunggoh kurang sopan. wakakka.

SpiderJane said...

So so so beautiful....kat malaysia nak tengok beautiful flowers...hmmmm.....sekian...

Ayu said...

Kak Long - mmg tempted i nk brguling dlm tulip tu gak sbnarnye. heheheh..

Kak Rima - kt m'sia kalau ada bunga, ada la tgn yg gatal nk petik nanti, botak jua akhirnya. hehehe..

SpiderJane said...

tu lahh....bunga taik ayam yang DBKL tanam pun depa gatal nak jakun tak pernah tengok bed of flowers kan kadang tu....orang nak kasi lawa...