Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Rats, Dinner & I

Today I went to the office at 10.30am and did behavioral observation of rats in home cage (on video). Actually, I did the scoring with Marchy, as we helped each other to type the scores, when one of us had eyes fixed on the tv screen. This is too complicated. My fingers are not well trained to hit the right alphabet on the keyboard without looking at it. I hope this is not considered cheating, as our scores will be used for a colleague's phd project data. Hah. Aku dah kata aku takdak pengalaman, ko suruh jugak apehal.. Moga2 result research ko adalah reproducible. Aminnnn...

Other progress? Hmmphh.. Macam kekure. Yang penting, bila tengok agenda (organizer), baru sedar lagi 2 minggu dah nak masuk bulan Jun. My parents & Aiman will arrive in London on June 1st, and I will meet them there. So, minggu pertama bulan Jun dah ala2 gone. 2nd week of June, we will leave for Paris. Gone case lagi sekali. Sekarang kena tampar diri kuat2, dengan harapan tolonglah buat kerja dengan advance sekarang to make up for the coming weeks off. Adoila. Will power nak buat kerja belum ada. Marilah mariii...

Gambar sekadar hiasan ;p

Yang penting, hari2 i will get excited when it comes to dinner time. Boleh separuh hari pikir nak makan apa. Makin kronik & severe penyakit nih. As for tonight, cadangan menunya adalah creamy spaghetti with grilled chicken, atau nasi+ayam masak kicap+sayur campur. I asked Mr Fiance to help, by sms voting. Hahaha.. Jawapannya - "I wan my feveret. Spageti". Okay dear, it will be spaghetti then. Akan tetapi, spaghetti tinggal beberapa urat saja rupanya, i was not aware of that. So, i used tricolor spiral pasta instead. Nah, i dedicate gambar ni untuk eby.. ; ) Untuk eby berangan2 macamana rasanya dalam mulut sekarang. Hehee..

Seterusnya, mission malam ini adalah untuk buatkan London itinerary yang baru siap separuh jalan tu. Adoii.. Susah jugak rupanya buat kerja2 planning ni, bila kita tak pernah tau pun tempat tu macam mana. My dad insists on having a well planned itinerary, sebab tak nak bazirkan masa & he wants to make sure we will visit tempat2 yang patut dilawati, sebanyak2 tempat yang boleh lah. Ok ayah, sabar ok. Tengah diusahakan. Maaf di atas kelewatan. Hehe..

On another note, harini i telah menggangu hidup Mr Fiance dengan men-demand tentang sesuatu (bukan material), but the way he responded was so great, I think I'm falling in love again with this man.. ;> Tu je la, sebelum keluar ayat2 power yang lain, baik i stop di sini saja okes. Hee.. ;D


NadiahKhair said...

kaklong nak komen on;

1. food - sedapnyeee wehh. terer ko masak. kaklong dah lama pencen memasak nih. dr pregnant sampai skrg xmasak2 laie. harus masak wiken nih. dr hari tuh kaklong terliur carrot cake hang. sluurppp.

2. mr fiance - blerghhh. hahhaha. geli siot ijat pandai buat ayat2 power. hahahhaha. kaklong gurau aje. :D

Ayu said...

Kak Long,

1. Carrot cake tu memang senang & sedap lah. Provided semua ingredients ada. Try jgn tak try.. ; )

2. Hahaha.. Dia takde buat ayat power pun, tapi dia sangat sabar & attentive. Tu yg tercair sket tuh. Hee.. ;p

SpiderJane said...

hmmmmm...sabar & attentive , lucky you girl. the 2 qualities i don't get in my partner....oh! well...

Ayu said...

Kak Rima,

Ye lah, terasa lucky sekarang nih, harap2 kekal la dia mcmtu sampai bila2.. Harap Kak Rima brsabar dgn Mr MP tu. Doa banyak2, hembus kat muka dia ke. ; )