Friday, October 30, 2009


Last night, Indah, Kak Liza & I attended a South African dinner at Germari's place (2 steps away from our door - our units face each other). On the menu were bobotie, yellow rice, steamed broccoli & salad (Germari had promised to cook bobotie for us since last year). Not to forget a few drinks, fruits, crackers with dip and desserts too..

Which one is Bobotie? Please Google your way to the right answer ;p

My plate - regretted taking a huge portion of the salad - the cheese in there tasted like kulat on bread. An acquired taste. Hmmmm....

A South African dessert, Koeksisters - tastes like a hard doughnut drenched in sweet syrup

2nd dessert for the night - Malva pudding with cream. Sweet, sweet pudding. Extremely SWEET. Eating it with cream is definitely a wise decision ; )

Germari with her trademark smile ; )

Overall, great experience. Food has always been my passion. Hahaha.. Oh yes, big congrats to Germari for her recent engagement to Filipo (and that 0.5 carat diamond-white gold engagement ring) ;D

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