Sunday, December 4, 2011

Indian flavour

Our dinner tonight was inspired by Sri Nirwana Maju ;p

Almost tandoori chicken. The color failed me.
Raita - dear husband loves this thing. I do too, but I love this picture more! :p
Vegetable curry
Papadom. Must have.

I'd love to share more beautiful pics of London, but whenever we're out, we're always rushing here and there, and ended up forgetting about the camera. Will try to post pics of Xmas market near London Eye, maybe tomorrow. 

Have a wonderful weekend people! : )


DeLancrettLurpak said...

peria goreng mana nok? nyumss lauk ko!! korang ni mmg jaga kesihatan eh, aku tgk rajin no membakor ayam, syabas mere bete, va va va!!!

Ayu said...

DLL - tu lah nye xjumpa peria, kalau x, betul2 complete lah! hehe.. bukan jaga kesihatan tu nok, tu namanya pemalas 24/7. kan ke senang, gaul2, letak dalam tray, sumbat je dlm oven. tau2 dah siap. :D

Hana Faza-same person said...

Tu dia:) mood memasak Ayu is back mcm masa di Netherlands dulu;p I like! Hehe

Ayu said...

Faza - for some reason komen Faza selalu masuk SPAM box, apasal tah. Hehe.. Nak kena retrieve dulu baru dia muncul kat sini. Tu lah, org dah mula banyak masa waktu malam, tu yang masak entah hapa2 tu. : )