Friday, December 23, 2011

A day at..

New Bond Street! : )

This is the place to go to satisfy the "needs"
Went in Chanel - it's quite a small store with inadequate number of staff
We then proceeded to Louis Vuitton. This store in New Bond Street is another flagship store. According to the sales associate, it's the 2nd largest LV store in Europe (I guess the largest is the one in Champs-Elysees, Paris).

I was looking for a vernis wallet in rouge fauviste - a sarah or a zippy. I was shown a pomme zippy and a givre sarah, and those two were the only vernis wallets they have. The sales associate said that they've ran out of many items, and it's not likely that other stores will have those items. Gah. Just not my luck I guess. 

But then.. I was brought to another section, and met another SA who showed me a few multicolor insolite wallets - black multicolor with grenade (hot pink) lining, white multicolor with litchi (baby pink) lining and white multicolor with fique (blood red) lining. Guess which one did I end up with?

Waiting for my purchase to be heat-stamped. I was texting dear SIL who wants a mini pochette illustre, telling her they don't have it here too. That sucks, I know.. 
With the sales associate who entertained us - Ansyn, from MALAYSIA. Weee!! It was very nice to meet him. He has a law degree & MBA, is fluent in 3 languages and works at Louis Vuitton : )
Happy me :  )
DH took this picture, only to find that Maria Tunku Sabri was there with her family (I guess). In this pic  you can only see her hand and half of her body ;p She's very friendly, waved at us from across the street. Of course we waved back frantically! ;p 
Showing the store size. It is hugee
And soo..

Wanna see my purchase? Kang tak tunjuk tak patut sangat. Ini bukan nak menunjuk, tapi nak share kasi puas2 hati ok.. : )

My sweet, pwetty baby : ) White multicolor insolite with fique lining
The interior. Insolite is a large wallet, no doubt. But if you're the person who stuffs  a wallet full, then this is the one for you. I am not that kind of person, but I guess this wallet is just destined to be mine. Alhamdulillah, syukur dapat merasa. 
I chose to heat-stamp my name instead of my initials. But that would differ if I were to order a mon monogram. Then I'll put my intials on the bag. ;p
With her older (albeit a lot smaller) sister. They complement each other beautifully! The fique lining and vernis pomme are about the same tone of red, no? 

That's all folks. Tah tahun bila lah ada rezeki nak ke sana lagi ye? : )

p/s: why oh why my tudung terkelepet2 dalam semua gambar di atas. Huwaaaa


~│CatWoman│~ said...

juling jap mato den ni haaa... adehhh... hahaha...

Hana Faza-same person said...

Ayu, wat la online shopping dr sana;) hehe..

Apizolla said...

cool gile bole tulis nama!

clasaad said...

wah... merasa gak ko ayu, lucky you.. lagi bes merasa gak name melekat kat wallet mahai + cute + wat den nganga jeles tgk.. hahaha

Mulan said...


Ayu said...

Kawan2, thank you! Tengah seronok belek bende kaler2, rasa mcm budak sekolah pun ada. : )

Mokrish said...

tetap matching know what babe, price never lies...definitely worth it untuk memuaskan jiwa raga yang terseksa duk dalam lab kan...

Ayu said...

Pakcik, thank you! I know you'd understand.. : )

kucingorengemok said...

i can relate well with tudung kelepet, hehehe

Ayu said...

KOG - tensionn!! Haru-biru betul, time orang nak ambik gambar lah dia nak buat perangai. ;p

NadiahKhair said...


Bila la haku nak merasa?

Frust betul ngn Ilustre tu. Awat la buat sikit2? Penduduk dunia bernafsu buaya ni bukannya sikit. Pffttt

Ayu said...

Kaklong - Tq! Xpe, sabar, tak lama lagi insyaAllah dapat yg lebih cantikk : ) Psl illustre tu, semua items la sold out. Agenda, wallet, etc. Gila2 membeli nk kasi hadiah Xmas agaknya..

Kak Tini said...

terujanya tgk gambo... wahaha... :)

Jelita78 said...

kita sukeeee itu insolite!!
i was also eying for the white multicolore with red lining.. tempting.. very tempting!!

congrats dear!
awesome purchase!
sangat cantekkkk!
terbaekkk laaa

Ayu said...

Kak Tini - teruja kan? Jom la sama-sama pi membeli! Kasi bakarr ;p

Kak J - kita pun sukee! Apalagi, jom sambar sebijik. Nanti kita jumpa boleh ambik gambar kembar2. :) Tqvm! Memang puas hati dgn wallet ni. Pagi2 bangun tido gi tengok dia dulu, malam sebelum tido pun belek dia lagi. Cantik sangat irl.. : )

Anonymous said...

ayu...kalo nk pesan boleh ker? berkenan buat jualan online ker? :)