Wednesday, November 18, 2009

What I've gotten myself into

Nowadays, i'm occupied with all these...........

Tail vein incision on all my 88 mice - every morning, 4 days a week

Btw, those are the hands of a kind hearted biotechnician who helps performing the incision. Me? I'm the boss. I monitor sampling duration limit and let him know when to stop. ;p Hahahhaa..

Weighing and cage changing every fortnight

Didn't know that weighing and cage changing (+ cleaning drinking bottles & adding feed pellets) for 88 mice could take nearly 4 hours of my precious time...

Behavioral recording

I record the behavior of 30 mice per week, 7 mice at one go, for a period of 30 minutes per animal. This one, I'm not complaining much.. ; )

But the most annoying part is........................

Behavioural scoring

Scoring the recorded visual is an absolute torture. Arghhhhhhhhhhhhhh.................

Can't wait for weekend to come. I'm soo looking forward to see my Edward.

Oh, Edward............ ;D

p/s: Please excuse the crappy Blackberry iPhone Nokia photos. Hihihihi...


Farina said...

Edward Cullen kah?

nina said...

ayu,baik beli hadiah nk dkt2 nk htr.nafsu hang tak blh dikawal nmpknya...satu lg,tak pakai glove ke buat keje tu

Ayu said...

Farina, Edward mana lagi.. ;D

Nina, betul3x... Jangan la gatal2 nak beli sebelum waktunya. Problemnya adalah gift sets die limited, kalau tunggu bulan depan belum tentu masih ada. Haishh... Ha'ah, kt sini mmg depa tak main pakai2 glove ni, susah nak merasa dan menyukarkan procedure. Kalau dalam OT tu pakai la.. ; )