Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Oops i did it again

Now i learned my lesson. Never ever buy early birthday gift for anybody, especially if the gift is something i really, really like.

1st incident - bought a strawbery gift set for a friend. Ended up using the shower gel and body butter. The bath lily is left unused (already have mine). Had to buy another gift to replace the gift set. Mengongs.

Bahan bukti yang tinggal. How could i not be tempted??

2nd incident - last Saturday I bought a white musk gift set for my best friend whose birthday is in January. Tak tahan daulat, petang tadi bukak wrapper and spray the EDT on myself. Macamlah tak cukup2 pewangi yang ada.... Why the heck???? Ayuuuuuuuuuuuuuu............................

Again, see how seductive the set is? Maybe I've been lured by the cosmetic bag. Duhh...

And now, i have extra bath lilies. Do you think i could pass wrapping two bath lilies in a box, giving them as a birthday present? ;p


NadiahKhair said...

tuh pun ok ape?
at least ade hadiah ckp ngn depa. hahhahah.
tapi shower gel BS nih mmg xtahan la tang bau. setap!

Ayu said...

Kak Long, hahahhah!! Xsampai hati nak kasi menatang tu je.. ;p Betul.. Bau shower gel dia mmg buat pembakar semangat untuk bangun awal, mandi! ;D