Monday, July 13, 2009

There's more to life...

... other than eating, sleeping and touring Europe. Yes, at times I have issues about my studies, research, seminars, etc. But of course, my blog, i decided, will be featuring posts & stories of my happy life. Yang tak seronok, yang serabut, yang bermasalah, buat apa nak tulis & dibaca2 lagi kan?

Right now, I am contemplating whether I should fly back home for Aidilfitri, or not. Well... Looking at possible working schedule (the schedule is not fixed yet), I must say there's a 99% probability that I will celebrate Aidilfitri in Netherlands, again. But knowing myself, it's not unusual for me to make an impromptu, last minute decision. We'll see.. Actually, the working schedule is not the main factor to be taken into account, it's more about the $$$. Seboleh2 i taknak guna duit gaji Malaysia sebab itu adalah kos pelamin, mak andam, rumah baru pelaburan untuk masa hadapan. Ada pahammmm?? ;p

Cet, puasa pun tak abes ganti belum, ko dah nak raya ye.. Sabar je la.. ;D


animed said...

Balik ayu..jgn tak balik. Apalah guna raya kat sini. Mcm tak raya ja. Sedih ooo raya kat sini..sob..sob..
(cubaan anim menghasut ayu utk balik raya)

Ayu said...

Anim, janganlah begituuu.. Sangat tempting laaa... Hehehe..

Anonymous said...

when is the tentative date for the big day? mesti gempaq punya since dah save byk duit hehe

Ayu said...

Mieza, tentative day adalah pada mana2 hari Sabtu bulan Jun tahun depan. Hihi.. Date pon xdak lagi nih. Pempaham la, kursus pun belum.. ;p Duit bukan banyak save sbnarnya, banyak yg terkorban, esp bila credit card dileret. Credit card Malaysia mari, pempaham je la.. Tu yang berazam nak simpan bebetul nih. Hehehe..