Thursday, June 18, 2009


I've been to Madurodam before, but yesterday I visited the place once again, this time with my beloved family. Madurodam is the place where one can visit the Netherlands' main attractions in less than a day - the miniature versions, of course. It is sure a great place to visit, lots of fun and excitement, with all the moving trains, ships, planes, and many more. ;D

At the entrance

The first view

With yellow Dutch clog

Resaksa menyerang tower of doom. Hehehe..

Suka hati main kereta tu

Halus & rumit

Capturing moving cable cars on video

Lucky us, we got 3 mars choc with just 10 euro cents
Agaknya 2 orang sebelum ni tak ambil choc tu sebab ingat menda tu replica je kot

Dengan mak tersayang di atas replika Swan Bridge of Rotterdam

Singgah di Den Haag Centraal on our way back

Early dinner di kedai Arab (lagi) - dah tu je yang halal..


manis selalu said...

kenaper aiman masyam jer dalam kedai arab tu mesti ada yang tak kena.

Ayu said...

Maksu, tak tau la apa yang dia mau time tu.. Nak tabur serbuk lada atas ayam tapi mak tak bagi kot. Agaknya tu lah sebab musabab dia. Hehe..