Monday, June 15, 2009

Lunch at my place

Today, I invited close friends over for lunch, to let them taste my mum's cooking. Hehehe.. This time around, mum was the chef while Che Dah & I followed her instructions and helped along. The menu was chicken rice, carrot cake & fruit cake with mixed berry juice and warm tea. We were very delighted when our kind neighbor, Germari came with a big plate of cookies, a large dish of custard pudding & a box of lychee juice. ;D

Robert & Marchy

Aiman & Ain (anak Kak Yani)

Filippo & Germari

Lau, Che Dah & Kak Yani

Not in picture - Mokrish, Gaya, Nia, Ila & Wan. By the way, we're glad the guests finished up desserts, chicken & soup. Nasib baik la tukang2 masak tak makan. Lepas semua tetamu chow pada jam 4 petang, baru kami goreng ayam lagi. Lapaq2... ;p


Hana said...

uit meriahnyer...nyummm...

Ayu said...

Faza, memang meriah sesangat.. Sampai terpaksa pinjam kerusi & pinggan mangkuk jiran tetangga. Hehe.. Sebaik la semuanya baik2.. ;)