Saturday, February 11, 2012

1st try

In Jamie's Great Britain, I found a simple recipe calling for lots of lemon - something I wanna get rid out of the fridge (as usual things happen when the husband went grocery shopping)
Looks simple enough. Great. Let's get going!
For the crumbly base - 5 digestive biscuits, 30g unsalted butter & 50 g lightly toasted flaked almond
Crushed biscuit & almond
Melted butter
Mixed well and packed down into small ramekins
The recipe calls for 200ml lemon juice, Jamie says 8-10 lemons are needed. I had only 4. So I sacrificed 4 limes to make it up. But... It turned out that those 4 lemons produced 250ml juice, more than enough. Ugh.. So I used purely lemon juice, 200ml just as the recipe calls for 
Ingredients needed for the custard - 200 ml lemon juice, 100g golden caster sugar,  1 vanilla pod, strips of lemon zest & 600ml double cream
Vanilla pod - halved lengthways, seeds scraped out, sugar, lemon zest & lemon juice. They all went into a pan
Simmered for 15 mins on medium heat until the mixture turned into thick syrup
Then, the cream was poured in and simmered again until the mixture became thick & glossy
The flavoured cream was passed through a sieve and then poured into the chilled ramekins. Cling wrap was used to cover each ramekin & off they went into the fridge to set
I left it in the fridge for about 24 hours, but you could do with 2 hours (Jamie says so)
The verdict? Very zingy! Smooth & creamy nonetheless, but next time I would reduce the lemon juice to 150ml (if there's a next time). It's a bit too sour for my liking ;p


hasnahnoh said...

baguih....dok saja tu reka2 lagi resepi yg pelik2 camni...kot2 boleh jamu ayah nanti, he he he...

lydia said...!!!

Mulan said...

waaahhh... drooling ni..!!!

DeLancrettLurpak said...

akan ku cobaaaaa! senang banget ni!! so, this recipe yields for 6 ramekins only eh?

Ayu said...

Mak, Lydia, Mulan - Best tapi masam. Makan sampai terpejam2 mata. :p

DLL - Try nok, tp cer kurangkan lemon juice dia, aku rasa mcm masam bangat. Boleh dpt 8 ramekins. Aku cuma ada 6 bijik je. So yg lebih tu aku masukkan dlm mug aje.

Liasari said...

wow! syedap!!!... nak cuba lah thanx ayu

ayen =D said...

terliur aku!

makcikkantin said...

Nampak senang nk buat ayu.... Insyallah nk cuba n reduce lemon juice

Ayu said...

Kak Lia, Ain & Makcik - Go on, try, then bagitau apa rasanya, ok ke tidak :)