Wednesday, April 29, 2009

My 1st Post

Today is the eve of Queen's Day, or Koninginnedag as the Dutch say it. Tomorrow, people will come from all over the place and gather at the main cities - Amsterdam, The Hauge & Rotterdam, to celebrate Queen's Day. Most of them will wear orange - orange shirts, pants, hats, orange everything!! The best part is, on Queen's Day, everyone is allowed to sell things in the street - the reason it is called "free market". And now I'm liking this, how I wish to get rid of all my ill-fitting jackets!!

As for tonight, I am going to stay inside and enjoy my night quietly. Well, I will probably eat too much, talk too much, OR watch too much of reality shows - not really QUIET in a true sense. Hehe..

Hope everyone will enjoy the Koninginnedag, and have a great time browsing the free markets!!! ;D

p/s: Korang baca kenkonon korang pun penduduk Belanda yang akan bercuti & meronggeng gak la esok. Hehehe..


hasnahnoh said...

berapa banyak ill-fitting jackets yang ada da !!!!!

ayah boleh pakai ka ? ?

Ayu said...

Hahahaha.. Ada 3. Semua jaket p'puan daaa... Semua dh longgar.. Kalau mak pakai pun mesti nampak gabai ja..

ayen =D said...

kalau la aku baca post ko ni dlu, tentu aku tak melepek kt bilik jer.. haih..

Ayu said...

Haishh... Nasib ko tak baik la Ayen.. Kalaulah ko baca awal2 kan bestt.. Hehehehe..