Thursday, January 17, 2013

Not a walk in the park

My pregnancy is not a walk in the park. Though I tend to keep negative stories to myself, sometimes I feel like I need to let it out.

I am pregnant with fibroids. Huge ones. And they are not getting any smaller due to the pregnancy hormones. And to make matter worse, they started degenerating a few months ago and have caused severe pain. I was on cocodamol (a combination of codeine and paracetamol). When cocodamol did not work anymore, I was given a higher dose of codeine to be combined with paracetamol. Codeine causes severe constipation, nausea and sleepiness.

For all the side effects, I was given lactulose (to help with constipation) and cyclizine (to combat nausea induced by codeine). But cyclizine also makes me sleepy and drowsy (team that with codeine and you'll see how drowsy I can be when I am taking these two).

My phd progress has not been great for these past few months since I have taken many days off school - stressing me out to the max. The graduate school is also putting on a lot of pressure, monitoring the attendance record and what not, though I am thankful that my supervisor is super understanding (at least for now).

Taking those drugs does not mean that I can function normally or be totally pain free. Most nights I'd be wide awake for hours due to pelvic pain from degenerating fibroids, leaving me totally drained by morning.

Fyi, degenerating fibroids don't get any smaller. The centre is degenerating because it has outgrown its blood supply due to its rapid growth, but the whole fibroid is in fact still growing due to pregnancy hormones. How complicated can things be?

I have two fibroids near the neck of the womb (near the cervix), and the doctors did mention the possibility of a c-section, but we'll see how things are at 36 wk (9 mo). I am now at 27 wk 5 d, almost 7 mo. There are also risks of early labour and heavy bleeding following delivery.

If you are wondering, the fibroids won't be removed during c-section. They are highly vascularized (full of blood vessels) and any attempt to cut them from the uterine wall will cause massive blood loss. If they're to be removed, it will be done a few months after delivery.

So for those commenting on me not gaining so much weight, I hope the reason is clear. I am actually unwell. For the days that I can walk, pain-free, I will put on a wide smile, go to school, or walk around the city with dear husband - snap some pictures for memory sake, be happy. On the days when things do not go so well, I stay at home and rest.

I am grateful that my husband is super helpful and caring. From massaging my back, doing the laundry, grocery shopping alone, and attending to my every need - I can't thank him enough. Alhamdulillah for one of the most precious gift in my life.

Overall, I am more positive these days. There are people who went through worse. I am in a far better situation. At least my baby is healthy and kicking! :) My husband & I (not to mention our family) are praying hard for everything to go smoothly, for both mommy & baby to be safe. InsyaAllah..


IrinaSGP said...

Semoga Ayu kuat ye! Insya-Allah everything will be okay! I'm praying hard for both of you too. Amin.

lara mikhael said...

Saya doakan semoga semuanya dipermudahkan untuk Ayu & baby. Aamiin.

kucingorengemok said...

insyaallah ok, we'll pray for u and the baby too... *hug*

Unknown said...

Ayu.. take gratest care of yourself! Semoga semuanya selamat. Amiinn..

Hajar Ishak said...

Take care ayu, aku doakan semuanya selamat. InsyaAllah.

DeLancrettLurpak said...

Insya-ALLAH ko and baby akan selamat, kami doakan dari kejauhan lah ye.

Rest banyak2, pile up all the papers next to your bed, everytime rasa tak leh tdo, baca paper, at least you now you've done something...

Take care ye nox!

lindaoff said...

InshaAllah ayu!Amin..

I cant imagine what u been thru dear.
I doakan u tabah.
Moga ada hikmah di sebalik semua ini..

Runiza said...

Ayu dearie. Remember... anything happened for a reason. Allah menguji Ayu tu... sebab Dia sayang Ayu :)

So be strong okay! Banyakkan doa agar semuanya dipermudahkan... insyaAllah, dengan berkat doa tu... dan dengan izinNya... segalanya selamat.. :)

I'll pray for you too sis...

Unknown said...

ayu, take care...insyaALLAH semua akan selamat... pernah gk ader masalah masa 2nd pregnancy, tp alhamdulillah, semua selamat... banyakkan berdoa ya..

Farina said...


Tak boleh imagine macammana ko menanggung sakit, berbulan-bulan. I know it must be really painful sbb doc bagi ko codeine. Anyway, I know that you are a super-strong woman and I'm glad you did not keep it to yourself. I am also glad that you take everything in a positive manner. Allah bagi ko ujian sekarang, insya-Allah mana tahu perjalanan PhD ko dipermudahkan lepas nih. Jangan putus berdoa. Insya-Allah aku doakan kesihatan ko dan baby. 9 more weeks to go til full term, semoga semuanya selamat.

hasnahnoh said...

Dugaan, cabaran, ujian akan mengajar kita menjadi lebih kuat dan, ayah dan adik2 kat sini semuanya tak putus2 berdoa agar semuanya akan selamat....semoga ayu dan ejad akan terus berfikiran positif ok....

zdiana said...

in shaa allah... baby will fight for you ayu.. semoga semua nya berjalan dengan lancar.. He or she will be strong as you... banyakkan doa dan sabar.. everyone here will be praying for you and your baby...

Liasari said...

this is a very enlightening entry... utk org mcm myself yg x tau apa2 pasal fibroid. biasa dengar & tgk org suffer bcoz cyst sahaja.
pray that u stay strong... Allah tak uji hambaNya jika dia tidak mampu dan besar ganjaran pahala utk ibu yg mengandung & melahirkan...

makcikkantin said...

Moga ayu n foetus doa for you both.

One of my friend, dekat my blog link under "wawan". Dia pun suffer fibroid masa preggy and baby now dah 7 bulan kot.....mungkin ayu nak share her experience, boleh contact dia

Ejin said...

Poor you..I hope things will go well for yo and you baby ..ssemoga dipermudahkan segalanya. My doa for Ayu and baby

Ayu said...

Terima kasih untuk semua yang mendoakan & kata2 semangat dari semua means a lot to me. It's wonderful to know that we have family & friends who are always there for us, praying for our health & safety.

To my mak & ayah, jangan risau2, Ayu ok. Terima kasih atas doa tak putus2. Sayang mak & ayah! :)

To Kak Tini, Chempaka, KOG, Nazihah, Hajar, DLL, Apel, Kak Niza, Su, Farina, Zd, Kak Lia, Makcik & Gina - thank you very for for taking the time to drop your comments & make me smile. Semoga Tuhan membalas yang baik2 untuk semua :)

kak yani said...

Menangis baca post ni.. sebab kak yani sekrg pun sakit sikit2 pun dah menangis-nangis.. InshaAllah, ada hikmah akan datang.. Gembira juga your hubby kat sana, 100% attention dapat.. supervisor bagi nasihat masa kak yani sibuk2 cakap nak setelkan kerja sebelm beranak. "Yani, enjoy this (pregnancy) while you can. When it passed, you will never feel like this again. Betul kata dia, sbb 5 tahun baru kak yani nak ngandung balik, and I missed it so much, tulis blog pasal tu jee..

Ayu said...

Kak Yani, sebenarnya mmg rasa down & depress tapi tak mau cerita. Ni tulis kat blog sikit pun mak ayah kat Penang dah susah hati. Tiap2 kali msg mesti tanya sakit tak? Sakit tak? Hehe.. Haru jugak..

Takpelah, terima saja sebagai ujian dari Allah SWT. Rasanya faktor buat PhD di bawah tajaan yang ada deadline ni yg buat lagi stress. Kalau tgh kerja kat Msia senang je, sakit2 ambik cuti sakit dok la sakit tenang2 kt rumah/hospital. Kat sini bila sakit tak pergi sekolah rasa stress sebab kerja PhD takde progress. Takut kena extend & KPT taknak kasi duit or worse, UK Border Agency suruh ambik interruption (paksa balik Msia sampai dah sihat baru dtg blk sambung PhD). Stress!!

Apa2pun kita kena banyak2 berdoa pada Allah & tenang2kan fikiran. Nak stress2 pun tak guna kang penyakit lain pulak yg dtg. Hehe.. Semoga segalanya dipermudahkan utk Kak Yani. Amiiin :)

Anonymous said...