Tuesday, May 22, 2012


Early morning tomorrow I'll be heading to Heathrow Terminal 5. Finally, the day is almost here. I'm going to Japan alone. And.. Unfortunately I'm not in the best shape - cold & fever, along with the uneasy feeling of traveling alone. Ugh. I hope I will survive. InsyaAllah..

My preparations;

Picked up the visa last Friday at Japanese Embassy in Picadilly
I'll arrive at Tokyo Narita Airport, and need to rush to Tokyo Haneda Airport to catch a plane to Oita. Kekdahnye kalau beli tiket murah, kenalah bersusah-payah sikit
Then, to catch a bus from Oita Airport to Beppu Station
From Beppu Station to the hotel - I have no problem walking, but with a big luggage in tow I'll probably take a taxi
But.. If I change my mind, here's the walking directions :)
From the hotel to the conference venue - should I walk? I'm tempted to take a cab actually :P Especially after finding out that the temperature will be around 22-26'C, very warm. Berpeluh ketiak & kaki jalan kaki 30 minit oii
Last but not least.. Arah kiblat & waktu solat

Harap-harap cukup lah persediaan.

Persediaan nak balik ke London boleh buat kemudian, bila dah tenang-tenang kat hotel nanti. Sekarang rasa sedikit semak otak, especially memikirkan nak tinggal DH sorang-sorang. Kesian dia sunyi nanti, 3 hari jugaklah kena duduk seorang diri. Then on Friday my family will arrive in London, DH akan ada kawan, meriah rumah. Hehe..

Tadi dah masak kari daging, lamb stew, ayam masak merah, telur dadar, sayur kubis goreng kunyit & sayur lemak fucuk+su'un. Buat stok dalam peti sejuk. Takdelah DH asyik masak pizza frozen je nanti. Nasi, couscous semua DH boleh buat sendiri. Dah train siap-siap :P

Akhir kata, harap sangat semuanya selamat & lancar. I know it's not a big deal to most people, tapi selama hidup 28 tahun++ di bumi Allah, ni lah kali pertama nak rentas benua seorang diri. Ish. InsyaAllah semuanya okay. Doakan ye.. Nanti dah balik kita story mory k?



IrinaSGP said...

Semoga selamat semuanya ayu... :)

Runiza said...

Have fun Ayu... :)Enjoy Tokyo!! :)Ganbatekudasai!! :)

Liasari said...

Cuak juga nak travel sorg2... but at d same time i rasa excited juga... eh eh ahkak plak yg lebih2 hihi...Selamat Jalan Ayu, moga semuanya berjalan lancar, amin. Hv fun ;-)

Jelita78 said...

baru nak cakap "wuhuuu! seronotnya dapat visit the land of the rising sun!"
tapi then dpat tahu u pegi sorang, hmm..
bukan kesian kat dia tinggal sorang kat london tu.. tapi kesian kat you!
spoiler laa plak.. tak syiok laa to enjoy a new place without your other half..
hope all your travel plans goes smoothly.. insyaAllah..

kucingorengemok said...

eh big deal la jugak! kalau kita sure dah rasa nak muntah, nak terkucil segala... (adalah komen tak membantu, hehe)

anyway, enjoy your trip! :D

Mariam Ariffin said...

masa yam travel KL-Glasgow for the 1st time pun memang nervous sangat sangat...tuhan jelah yang tau. sebab sorang-sorang kan, dan itu pulak 1st time ke luar negara. Tabah kan diri jelah. Take care tau kak ayu.

Ayu said...

Kak Tini, Kak Niza, Kak Lia, Jelita, KOG, Yam - Alhamdulillah I survived :D Cuma letih & jet lag tak habis sampai harini (walaupun dah jejak London sejak Ahad)..

Anonymous said...

good job ayu.. :)