Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Convocation Day!! ;D

As told before, last Sunday was my mum's convocation/graduation day. The ceremony was held at Dewan Merdeka PWTC. At the age of 50, she successfully completed her Bachelor of Education with Honours. ;D I am soo proud of you, Mak!

Outside the hall - getting ready
Mak's proud moment. ; )
Her greatest support, ayah
Best buddy & course mate, Teacher Midah
With the boys
Went to the main campus of OUM
After half a day of starvation, we headed to Satay Kajang Hj Samuri
At Putrajaya, on the next day
Went to PWTC again on the next day (to return the robe & collect academic scroll) & met her best friend, class mate, colleague & motivator - Cikgu Maznah

And so, I'd like to take this opportunity to congaratulate Mak, Cikgu Maznah, Teacher Midah, Cikgu Liza & others who graduated with flying colours. The spirit & motivation to succeed is indeed very inspirational. Congratulations!!! ;D


kucingorengemok said...

tahniah! sungguh mengagumi mereka... tak macam kita ni, balik² kerja melepek depan tv tengok drama, heh

animed said...

Congratulations to ur mom. mak anim pun konvo tp isnin..smlm pi ngn abah. hari ni nak bawa mak hantaq jubah. kalau tau ayu pi pwtc anim calling2 ayu..ahad the whole day lepak kat bilik hotel mak ja. bila la rezeki kita nak jumpa ni ayu..

intan suriati said...

waaa congrats!!! si aiman ni ada je terselit muka dia kat celah gambo Teacher Midah n mak ko tu...ckp kat dia jgn sengih sgt aiman ye, blajo rajin2 ikut cm mak dn kakak ayu :))))))

makcikkantin said...

salam ayu,

tahniah buat mak ayu.......u shud call me makcik & yes makcik, reason?? mak you same age ngan makcik..:))

~│CatWoman│~ said...

congrats to ur mak!

Ayu said...

KOG - kalau Ayu pun, dah tentu malas nak bersusah payah study lagi. Apa kes? (dasar pemalas) ;p

Anim - Laaa, ye ke Anim? Sayangnya tak jumpa lagi kita. Haritu masa raya tu dok tunggu juggak call dari Anim. Tapi faham, raya2 memang susah nak plan kan. Macam2 halangan yang datang. ; )

Intan - Thank you!! ;D Aiman muka manjang menyelit, tapi kitorang semua pesan kat dia, senyum tutup mulut. Sebab gigi dia sebatang yang depan tu dah luruh. Hihihi...

Makcik - Laa ye ke sama? Nampak muda la makcik ; )

Kak Zu - Thanx a lot!! ;>

Mokrish said...

very inspiring...congrats auntie!!!!