Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Japan Part 3

The reason for flying to Japan. Alone.

Last year, based on my research I was chosen as one of the international award winners by Japanese Association of Laboratory Animal Science (JALAS). Sadly, I had to turn down the invitation because the event took place right after the tsunami & nuclear reactor disaster. And I just had a miscarriage at that time. It was just not meant to be.

Earlier in February this year, the contact person contacted me by e-mail, saying that JALAS president would like to extend his invitation again, since I could not make it last year. I was surprised! Again? How's that possible? Needless to say I spent days deciding - to go or not to go? My family is arriving at about the same time and of course, a trip to Japan in the middle of the planned Europe trip with family just won't work. My budget will surely go haywire. I was informed that JALAS will give a cash bursary of 100,000 yen (about 800 pounds) but that's still not enough. The flight ticket alone costs about 1,200 pounds..

After long discussion with DH, Noelia & my supervisor, I decided to go. 2nd chance does not come easily, I should be grateful. My supervisor suggested that I apply for a bursary from the UK Laboratory Animal Science Association (LASA), but he said that I shouldn't put a high hope on that. Imagine our surprise (and joy) when the application was approved a week later.  Alhamdulillah.

My presentation on the morning of May 24th. Only international award winners & their session chairman presented in English. Sessions for locals were done in full blown Japanese. Couldn't understand a thing

My research abstract
Award Ceremony in the afternoon of May 24th

In my certificate, the printed year is 2010. Others have 2011 printed in theirs
The cash bursary. Frankly, after receiving the cash I felt like flying back to London already :P
After the award ceremony I went back to the hotel to catch some sleep, before going out to explore Beppu town in the evening. The next day was spent visiting the "hells" (didn't attend the conference at all), but at night I went back to the conference venue to join the banquet. Makan-makan, maunya cek tak pergi, kannn..? :P

Persembahan pembukaan. Wow!
Tah berapa kali tepuk tangan, tak ingat dah. Hebatt
A speech by I-don't-know-who yang tah apa butir kandungannya. Bila orang tepuk tangan, kita pun tepuk lah

A picture with the person I've been communicating through e-mails, Assoc. Prof. Dr Nobuya Sasaki
Let's dig in, people! Di Jepun banyak seafood meals, jadi takdelah kurus-kurus tak makan
Sebahagian international award winners. Wonderful bunch of people. Must keep in touch for future collaborations :)

Rancak berborak. Masa ni Japanese dah mula mabuk-mabuk
Persembahan penutup. Pukulan gendang powerful dari makcik-makcik. Hebatttt

So, that's the work portion of my Japan trip :)


IrinaSGP said...

Tahniah ayu! Tp sedey ayu x dpt mai kenduri tini kawen... Kirim doa dari jauh na... Seb ada cik nah n pakcik lan wakilkan... :(

Mulan said...

so proud of u...!!!! tumpang gembira... congrats..!!

Liasari said...

oh wow!
that sums up my feeling bila tgk pic of u doing the presentation and dpt cert. WOW again. hebat ayu. congrats!

lara mikhael said...

tahniah ayu,pencapaian kamu sangat memberi inspirasi.

Mariam Ariffin said...

congrats kak ayu :)

makcikkantin said...

Tahniah Dr Ayu. :))

Ayu said...

Kak Tini - Terima kasih.. Tu lah sedih jugak tak dapat bermeriah-meriah sekali. Sebulan dua ni mmg banyak kenduri kawen yg miss.. :( Apa2pun, Ayu doakan semuanya selamat & berjalan lancar. :)

Mulan, Kak Lia, Chempaka, Yam & Makcik - Terima kasih. Semuanya rezeki dari Allah.. :)