Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Multigrain Loaf Recipe

Suatu hari yang indah, saya terbeli Allinson Country Grain Bread Flour di Morrisons. Tepung tersebut mengandungi wheat flour, malted wheat flakes, malted wheat flour, malted barley flour & rye flour. Katanya malted ingredients are 12% of the product.

Di belakang pek tepung tersebut, ada resipi ni. Nampak macam ringkas & mudah

500g of the flour, 1.5 tsp salt, 1tsp sugar, 15g soft butter, 7g instant yeast & about 300ml warm water

Tepung+garam+gula+yis+butter. Rub in the butter, add enough water and mix to form soft dough

Knead the dough for up to 10mins until smooth & elastic

Place dough in a baking tin, cover & leave to rise for 45mins
Preheat oven to 230'C. Bake for 15 mins, then reduce the temperature to 200'Cand bake for a further 15-20mins until the bread is risen, golden brown & sounds hollow when tapped underneath. 

Turn out & cool on a wire rack
Kak Lia, this post is for you. I don't know how much this helps, especially if you're hoping to see the exact measurement of various flour/grain that goes into the recipe. And I have no idea if Allinson flour range is available in Malaysia..

Monday, March 26, 2012

Sunday output

Happy Cupcakes :)

Yummy Spaghetti

Healthy Multigrain Loaf

Sunday, March 25, 2012

Grocery shopping

It's Sunday. Husband's off to work. No vege in the fridge. Well, if you count lengkuas, kunyit hidup & a sweet potato as vege, then I'll say there're not enough vege in the fridge :)

Benci benciiii. I had to do grocery shopping by myself. DH won't be home until late at night and the shops will close at 5pm today. Ugh. I hate thinking about carrying heavy load for 1km from the store back home. 1km is not that far, but when both hands are full with heavy plastic bags, it does feel like an agonizing 5km walk.

What to do? Make the shortest shopping list - only aim for the items you need badly. I mean, really really important items. The others? Shove them down in another list for the husband to execute tomorrow :P

The list on a torn up bank statement envelope

Ahh. The things I carried home. Not so bad this time

See? The only heavy things are the milk & carrots. Usually I'd take 1kg carrots & 6 tomatoes, but today I settled for less - to reduce the total grocery weight. And I must say I did quite well, considering I brought home only 1 thing that's not on the list - a packet of grated cheese

If you wonder how much do all that cost, the total is 18.78 pounds (about RM 91.44). I have no idea if that's comparable to shopping at Jusco or not

Mission accomplished!! :D


A wonderful friend has helped to investigate the price of those items in Malaysia. Check out her post here :)

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jom Makan

@ Westfield London Shopping Centre

Sirap bandung & sirap limau
Roti canai (instant!!!), kuah dhal lebih kepada rasa dalca. Kurang garam.
Mee goreng mamak - sedap, tapi rasa mee goreng mamak ada lah dalam 25% kot
Char koey teow - sedap, tapi sekali lagi rasanya cuma macam koey teow goreng biasa. Tak patut dinamakan char koey teow
Overall, 3.5/5. Tukdin jugak menang. Jangan persoalkan pinggan licin. Sedap  tak sedap, memang akan licin. Hehehe..

Friday, March 23, 2012

Westfield London

Finally, I've found a mall almost comparable to a Malaysian shopping mall - in terms of size & store layout :)

Westfield London Shopping centre - nearest tube station: Shepherd's Bush

Thursday, March 22, 2012


Untuk mana2 insan yang memerlukan dinner idea yang tak renyah dan siap cepat;

Daging goreng kunyit, terong balado & sayur
Kari ayam, sambal telur & sayur goreng
Ayam goreng kunyit, kari kentang (untuk geng dengan roti naan), sambal ikan bilis & sayur goreng
Ikan siakap pedas masam & sayur campur
Ginilah keadaannya bila suami tak balik2 walaupun makanan dah lama siap. Sempat la si isteri berfotografi dengan hasil masakan cincai. Dulu rajin la rotate dinner, harini nasi, esok pasta, roast chicken, lepas tu bihun, etc. Sekarang? Nasi nasi nasi nasiiiiiiiiii. Senang nak budget buat bekal lunch keesokan hari.