Sunday, October 30, 2011


Perasmian oven that is. ;D Our dinner just now. 1/2 spring chicken masuk perut masing2. Naga sungguh. Hehe..

Oh ya, sudah dapat rumah dan lokasinya sangat2 strategik, 10 mins walk to Holloway town, yang ada Odeon cinema, kedai runcit, M&S, Morrisons, Selbys, banks, post office, etc. 99 pence & 1 pound shop pun dekat. Ayam & daging halal cuma 20 mins walk.

Heaven. Syukur alhamdulillah. : )


DeLancrettLurpak said...

itu bukan perasmian, itu namanya upacara "pecah oven"..

kang dah upacara perasmian, confirm lagi mantap hasilnya, hehehe...

nok, holloway dkt dgn hackney eh? syiok la ko, burberry you! heheheh

NadiahKhair said...

hoihh..terliur nyaaaa.

one thing i've always miss about being abroad is fresh veggies and fruits; the varieties of it and seasonal! you'll always know which season ure in by going to the market seeing the fruits galore.

hohhhhhh makan aje aku. :P

Ayu said...

DLL - bolehla kata dekat nok, satu bas je naik, dlm 40min jugak the whole journey. : )bilalah nak rasmi betul2 oven makcik ni. ingatkan ni dah kira rasmi. hehe..

Kak Long - betull. best tgk fruits & veges. mmg rasa tempted nak beli bila tgk. : )