Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Hotal Seri Melesiya

Aiman is 8 now. How time flies.

For almost a year, he whined about wanting a handphone so that he would not bug others for their handphones. He likes playing games & recording his own singing and then playing it back gazillion times, loudly (imagine that). Nevertheless, I do not see the point of buying a handphone for him. Somebody please give me at least 5 good reasons. Well, no matter what others (mum, myself) think, my dad went ahead and bought a Nokia for him. I guess the only reason is fatherly love. Sweet, sweet daddy. As always. ; )

Anyway, last night he texted his only sister.

Aiman: Kakak aiman pegi bukak pusa di hotal seri melesiya
(see all the spelling errors? Hihihi)

Kakak: Amboi. Seronoknya baby kakak berbuka puasa di hotel. Mesti makanan dia sedap-sedap kan.. : )
(kakak replied about an hour later, trying to set a good example by spelling every word correctly)

Aiman: Tak

Ohhhhh.. =_='


Aliesha Kirana said...

hahahahaha... aiman buat lawak.. xtahan perut ella.. adeh2~~

shila ariff said...

ayu...heeheee..mmg le hang eja dgn betul tapi hang pi bubuh perkataan 'baby' tuh..udah bercampur aduk BM BI plak dah..huhuhu..

p/s: saja menyakat hang di bulan puasa nih..huhuhuhu...

Ayu said...

Ella, tu la. Hehe.. Masa bukak baca sms tu mmg tersenyum sorang2. ; )

Shila - aku ada terpikir gak nak translate baby tu, tapi pelik benar bunyinya. Hihihi...

intan suriati said...

hahahahahha aku duk berharap dia jwb panjang lg bole tgk gaya penulisan baru,dia lg bijak rupe answer n precise word. ambik ko 'tak' sebijik! hahha

u might want to consider one good reason of him having a hp is that aiman is yet to spell malaysia correctly, kene check paper bm ni kot2 camtu jugak lah dia duk mengeja haha

but time really flies, teringat lg saat2 ko panic waktu mak ko di labour room :( tapi semua selamat alhamdulillah n the baby is even now having a hp of his own!!!!! hehehe

Ayu said...

Intann, syukur sgt2 aku ada mak lagi. ;< sedih bila ngenang. Btw, mmg nk kena drill dia punya spelling. sungguh berterabur. Haha. Adik sapa nih.