Tuesday, February 22, 2011

We play

Play-Doh. The best toy for an extraordinarily clean, sparkly floor. Haha
We made these treats. Yummy, they are. : )
The kid who made me play with him. I had no choice.
See? I had no choice. Now, just leave me alone. I'm creating my perfect sundae cone. Will be ready in no time!

Haih.. Dah tua2 merega ni baru la haku nak merasa tekan Play-Doh dari acuan. So kesian kan?

Sunday, February 20, 2011


Craved for a bowl of hot, steaming pho. Found a good one at Pho Hoa. Yumm!! :D

Mine - Adventurer's choice pho with steak, brisket, flank, tendon & tripe pieces. Heaven!

Ejad's - rice with grilled chicken & egg cake

Will definitely go again for the pho and the chocolate banana tower - fried banana (in spring roll pastry) topped with ice cream. :D

Saturday, February 12, 2011

A little fantaisie

Now, who's kind enough to give? ;p